Nestled deep within an unassuming storage facility and garage in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn-based artist Jackie Furtado’s first solo show at SECRET DUNGEON, alone walker, plays with the concept of perception, cognition, and things just not quite being what they seem.
Much as visitors to SECRET DUNGEON are led to the gallery through a curiously cavernous garage space, Furtado has constructed a wall within the storage-turned-white box unit to guide viewers on a controlled journey of her photography installation. An abbreviated version of her eight-panel work Devoted Sands, Seas, alone walker showcases three of Furtado’s eight D.S.S. panels presented alongside two small scenic works.
The photographs that comprise Furtado’s Devoted Sands, Seas are evocative of land- or waterscapes; soft, sweeping grey-scale captivates the eye and draws it along the horizon line. In a conceptual dive, Furtado has digitally stretched a portrait of her half-brother by drawing out the topography of his facial features to a virtually unrecognizable degree. The result, when coupled with the guided viewership imparted by the wall, is a fusion of landscape and portraiture that captivates the eye and challenges perception – the artist “dissolves the site, family, and photograph into an amorphous spatial experience.”
Jackie Furtado: alone walker runs through December 10, 2017 at SECRET DUNGEON, 236 Moore Street, Storage Closet #48, Brooklyn, NY 11206
On view Saturdays 12-6pm and By Appointment