It’s beautiful day, and the afternoon seems to be unexpectedly clear. There are no urgent errands to run, nor there are appointments scheduled. It is the perfect opportunity to indulge on some leisure. Why not spend a few hours wandering the halls of The Metropolitan Museum of Art? Otherwise known as the MET.


The biggest Museum of the United States offers two million art pieces in the permanent collection. Anyone dare try to cover them in a single afternoon? A day?


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The best way to visit the MET in the busy city of New York is to visit with no agenda; no particular course of action, no immediate plans to follow. Stroll from wing to wing absorbing the different cultures presented; both in the art displayed, and in the actual visitors in the museum. The museum not only carries a fascinating collection, but it also appeals to a substantially diverse crowd. People coming from different countries and contrasting cultures walk beside you admiring the works from hundreds and thousands of years ago. Consider that for a moment.


Visit the Egyptian wing and marvel at the creations of a great civilization that existed more than 4000 ago. Hop over to the Renaissance Era, to Asian Art, to the early colonial art in the Americas… the list goes on. Just sit and observe the art and take it in. Watching people walking in and out can also entertain you for hours.


As we mentioned earlier, the MET does not have to be only about the art collections; nor should it be. Take advantage to explore other aspects once you are inside. Get yourself a cappuccino at the Charles Engelhard Court and bask in the sunlight streaming through the high windows. You are welcome. If the time is right, make your way to the roof garden, see the Manhattan skyline, talk to a stranger.


If you live in New York City or are only here for a visit, you have probably observed that this city can become somewhat overwhelming at times. Exciting, but rushed, fast-paced. The city’s cultural icon slows you down, let’s you breathe in its tranquility. Visiting a museum does not have to be regarded an errand for tourists in a new city, nor does it have to be an activity reserved for visitors. Experience the best of human creativity from every corner of the world.


The Met is open seven days a aeek
Sunday–Thursday: 10 am–5:30 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am–9 pm