New York-based artist, Anne Vieux, makes paintings, books, sculptures, and videos, all of which inform each other artistically. Born in Michigan, Anne Vieux works with the idea of mediation and gesture through the lens of the screen, in painting, video, and sculpture. Her works are included in the MoMA, The Met, and Virginia Common Wealth University Libraries. Her work has been exhibited nationally including Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Brooklyn Academy of music; most recently at CES Gallery. *You can check out her newest show, Command Field, at The Hole in NYC opening February 3rd through March 4th.


Art Zealous: Coffee or tea?

Anne Vieux: Coffee with cream in the morning, coconut green tea in the afternoon.


AZ: What’s your artistic background? 

AV: I went to the Kansas City Art Institute for undergrad and Cranbrook Academy of Art for my Masters.


AZ: Fun fact?

AV: I won $500 from a box of Chips Ahoy cookies once, it had a golden ticket.


AZ: Describe your aesthetic in 3 words: 

AV: Digitally reticulated, repeated, spectral.




AZ: Favorite museum?

AV: I love wandering through The Met and the MoMA – some of my favorite Brancusi and Matisse pieces.


AZ: Your work is super psychedelic, where do you draw inspiration from?

AV: 90’s screensavers, cosmetics, diagrams for light, & atmospheric phenomena.




AZ: Instagram handle?

AV: @annevieuxx


AZ: What can we expect to see from you in the future?

AV: I have a solo show opening up at Good Weather Gallery and a group show at The Willows on September 17th.


images // courtesy of the artist

*Originally published September 8, 2016