Who said art could only be viewed in the white-walled rooms of a museum or gallery? Take advantage of the warm weather this summer and make a trip to one of New York City’s botanical gardens. These beautiful gardens provide the perfect backdrop to enjoying art. Soak up the sun, the views, and the art.

This summer, the Brooklyn Botanical Garden is partnering with the Brooklyn Museum to present a special combo ticket that provides access to both the Garden and the Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum. Plus, the Garden is also hosting two free tours of the flowers and plants found in O’Keeffe’s work. Also on view at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden are Shayne Dark’s large, complex sculptures.

Dale Chihuly has created site-specific installations out of translucent materials like glass and neon to complement the unique landscape of the New York Botanical Garden. CHIHULY is open now through October 29, 2017, and we recommend viewing it twice to get the complete experience: once in broad daylight and again after the sun’s gone down!

There are four exhibitions each year at the Queens Botanical Garden, each featuring a local artist. Sitting with the Garden, a collection of watercolor paintings by Che Min Hsiao, opens this summer on June 30, 2017. You can even meet the artist on Sunday, July 9, or take a watercolor class led by him on July 23.
Snug Harbor: Cultural Center and Botanical Garden

There are currently two exhibitions on view at Snug Harbor, with three more opening soon in July. The DNA of Water explores the various roles that water has played in history and is open until September 4, 2017. Botany and Beauty features artworks inspired by Snug Harbor’s nature and runs through June 25, 2017.
top photo // courtesy of New York Botanical Garden